Hà Nội gets back to business as restrictions ease

日期:2024-03-20 13:20:32  作者:浑姗姗

Hà Nội gets back to business as restrictions ease

Nguyễn Lan Phương added: “I feel happy and excited, it’s been a long time since I got to enjoy Hà Nội’s autumn like this, it’s beautiful and the weather is nice. Things have gone back to normal, so I’m very happy.”

As well as the feeling of freedom, small businesses were rejoicing as they finally began to once again earn a living.

Although coffee shops and restaurants have been allowed to operate take-outs during the past few months, having customers back in person lifts their operations to a new level. 

Hà Nội gets back to business as restrictions ease

“Other staff members and I are very excited,” said Nguyễn Đức Khanh, a coffee shop manager.

“For months we had to close due to the pandemic and even when we were allowed to sell take-outs we had very few customers, and the shop wasn’t busy like before. So we are very excited today.

“We made sure there were enough staff working today, and we’ve cleaned the shop and ensured we follow the  五K rule so customers can come in.” — VNS

